Garden City Church Launches This Sunday, September 18th

Today is my 33rd birthday. If things are going as planned, right now I'm nearing the summit of Mount Rainier (I wrote/scheduled this post before leaving for my trip). When I return from the mountain, at age 33--the age when Jesus completed his earthly ministry, I will begin an exciting new chapter of my ministry: launching Garden City Church.This Sunday, at 4pm, we formally launch Garden City Church.Earlier this year I moved back down to the South Bay with 3 people committed to the core team and 3,000 dollars in a church bank account. It was a move of faith. Now, both of those numbers have significantly grown. We've been meeting as a core group for several months, putting leadership, foundations, and systems in place...and praying a lot. And, now, we're ready to go public.God has been so kind to us and I'm so excited about planting and pastoring Garden City Church. It's been an adventure getting to this point, yet I'm sure the greatest adventure lies ahead.Would you please pray for us as we launch this Sunday? Pray for us this Sunday and pray for us for these next several months. Specifically, pray boldly that many people would be brought to saving faith in Jesus through Garden City and that we would disciple them well.Would you please spread the word? Perhaps you know people in Silicon Valley who need to be there this Sunday. The title of my sermon this week is, simply, "Jesus." I'm preaching on Jesus--it will be a great message to invite all your non-Christian friends to come and hear.Would you consider giving towards Garden City? It takes a lot of sweat and a lot of cash to get a new church started (especially in the expensive Bay Area). And I'm looking for more supporters to invest in our church plant so that we can have an even greater impact in San Jose. All you have to do is click here to give.Thanks for reading. Thanks for supporting.I sure love what God has called me to do. Have you ever found yourself in a season of life where you're using your strengths, pursuing your passions, and completely in over your head? That's how I feel...and I love it.  


Church at 4pm

