Church at 4pm

Tomorrow we launch Garden City Church.Our worship service is at 4pm. You should come and so should your friends.4pm is a great time to hold a worship service: you can sleep in (SJSU and SCU students, I'm thinking especially of  you), enjoy a relaxing morning, put your kids in Sunday morning soccer, or do whatever it is you want to do on a Sunday morning. Then, at 4pm you can gather with a bunch of other Silicon Valley people to hear the gospel preached, to experience community, to encounter God, to receive care and prayer, to sing with joy, and to join a mission that's so much bigger than you. After the service, you can walk to one of the many nearby restaurants or coffee shops to eat and drink with new friends.Church at 4pm. See you tomorrow. Just follow these directions.


A Man and Woman in Love


Garden City Church Launches This Sunday, September 18th