Speaking & Coaching Requests
Thank you for your interest in working with Justin. He loves the relationships and adventures that develop from these opportunities. Because his top priority is his family and church in Silicon Valley, Justin can’t accept every request. Please fill out the form(s) below as thoroughly as possible and expect a response within one week. For coaching requests, skip down to the bottom form.

Speaking Request Form
Coaching Request Form
Describe your situation in the form below. Note this menu of the main themes around which Justin focuses his coaching. From over two decades of marriage and ministry, Justin has developed experience, wisdom, and passion to coach men and teams in the following domains:
• Being a man in a culture that’s confused about true masculinity
• Pastoring from a place of health, self-awareness, and effectiveness
• Forming close friendships
• Dating your wife
• Leading your family
• Raising sons
• Preaching from the heart and to the heart
• Keeping life and ministry fun
• Investing and growing your money
• Church planting
• Developing leaders, team, and a multiplying discipleship culture
• Taking a sabbatical
• Writing/getting published
• Operating as the General Contractor for your construction project
• Taking good care of your body