
This is a guest post from Karen Liu, staff member at Garden City Church and member of the Neighborhood Group my wife and I host in our home:Control + Approval + Idolatry = Controval(atry).

Last night at Neighborhood Group we had a discussion about the root of our sin, which always stems from 4 different heart issues: control, approval, comfort, and power.  We each have different tendencies, each have different motives (or, sins underneath the sins), but ultimately we've just got some deep issues. At the core of it, it's us in our flesh, but from there, our heart issues stem out into these thoughts and actions that reflect the idolatry in our lives.
I've learned that I suffer from all four. The first two more frequently than the rest, but... all four.

Garden City Church Launches This Sunday, September 18th


Books for the Bloodstream