Keep In Step With The Spirit

A few quotes I enjoyed from  J.I. Packer's paperback, Keep In Step With The Spirit:"The essence of the Holy Spirit's ministry, at this or any time in the Christian era, is to mediate the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.""...power from Christ through the Spirit is a theme that should always be given prominence whenever and wherever Christianity is taught.""The manifestation of the Spirit in charismatic performance is not the same thing as the fruit of the Spirit in Christlike character.""Holiness by habit forming is not self-sanctification by self-effort, but is simply a matter of understanding the Spirit's method and then keeping in step with him.""...anyone who deals with souls will again and again be amazed at thegracious generosity with which God blesses to needy ones what looks tous like a very tiny needle of truth hidden amid whole haystacks ofmental error. As I have said, countless sinners truly experience thesaving grace of Jesus Christ and the transforming power of the HolySpirit while their notions about both are erratic and largelyincorrect."


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