Great Retreat
Thanks for your prayers. The Lord gave us a great twenties retreat this last weekend--a rich time of community, laughter, play, repentance, worship, and gospel-centered teaching.I've attended and led scores of retreats, but this retreat was, hands down, my favorite. God was kind to have significantly encouraged me in my ministry through all that I was able to see and experience in his people this weekend, a weekend that marks the completion of my first year as Twenties Pastor at CPC (actually, to be exact, July 1st marks 1 year at CPC). Throughout the weekend I found myself smiling and saying "thank you" to God over and over again as I witnessed evidence upon evidence of his grace among this great group of twentysomethings.Though there are many highlights to report from the weekend, two experiences that were especially moving to me were a rich time of sharing, repentance, and prayer with all the guys on the retreatand getting to listen to four truly excellent messages from the Gospel of John by my dear friend Christian Schalesky, a man who knows how to preach to the heart, illustrate vividly, and connect all things to the gospel.Again, thanks for your prayers.