The Gospel Coalition Conference: Session #1, D.A. Carson

Here are my slim notes on D.A. Carson's opening session, What Is The Gospel?, from 1 Corinthians 15:Eight Defining Words on 1 Corinthians 15:#1 The Gospel is Christological. The gospel is Christ-centered.#2 The Gospel is Theological. The cross & resurrection are not mere historical events, but are full of theological weight.#3 The Gospel is Biblical. Christ’s life, death, and resurrection are in accordance with the Scriptures. Luke 24, Psalm 16, Psalm 2, and Isaiah 53 are key texts.#4 The Gospel is Apostolic. The apostles were eyewitnesses to the resurrection.#5 The Gospel is Historical. This is in contrast to many other religious systems.#6 The Gospel is Personal. This gospel brings powerful personal transformation.#7 The Gospel is Universal. The gospel is void of racism and favoritism.#8 The Gospel is Eschatological. The future impinges on the present and a great future awaits us through the gospel.Five Clarifying Sentences on 1 Corinthians 15:1. This gospel is normally disseminated through proclamation. The gospel almost always appears alongside words & synonyms for preaching.2. This gospel is fruitfully received for those who have authentic faith.3. This gospel is properly disclosed in personal humiliation. If the gospel has done its work, “Proud Christian” is an oxymoron.4. This gospel is rightly asserted to be the central profession of the whole church.5. This gospel is boldly advancing over the contested reign and inevitable victory of Jesus the King.Though all this has been quite cognitive, the gospel is more than cognitive—it transforms the whole person, the whole church, whole communities, and whole cultures.


The Gospel Coalition Conference: Session #2, Tim Keller


The Gospel Coalition Conference: Getting Started