Garden City Church in the News

The current issue of  Metro Silicon Valley came out today and features an article on Garden City Church and on church planting in Silicon Valley. I'm encouraged to see such fair and favorable reporting.Here is the lead:

A few months ago, with just $3,000 in his pockets, Justin Buzzard packed up his car and drove down the bay toward San Jose. Like so many young people, Buzzard came to Silicon Valley with big dreams.Start something new. Find a following. Get funding. Change the world.But Buzzard didn’t come here to found the next tech startup. He came to “plant,” or open, a church.“It’s a region that’s impacting the rest of the world, and you don’t have another place like this on the planet,” says Buzzard, whose 2-month-old Garden City Church attracted 120 worshippers on a recent Sunday.

Click here to read the article.


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