Pray For Our City: 37 Homicides in San Jose

San Jose is the 10th largest city in America. A lot of people live here. And, right now, a lot of people are being killed here. So far we have 37 homicides in 2011.San Jose has been known as "the safest big city in America," but this year that title is being challenged. The homicide rate hasn't looked like this in a long time.The map above shows where each of the 37 homicides have taken place (Click here for an interactive map that details each of these homicides). Our new church plant, Garden City Church, meets on Sundays right in the middle of this map, very near to most of these homicides. You'll notice that most of these killings have happened on the east side of the city--I believe this is typical, that it's most often in "the east side" of our cities that homicides happen. Is this true for your city?Pray for San Jose. Pray for the killings to stop. And please pray that our church (and many other churches here in San Jose) can be used of Jesus to bring new life to a city that's experiencing a lot of death right now.


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