Put Satan in Your Sermons

We've all heard the dual danger about Satan: ignoring him or giving him too much attention.As I listen to other preachers, look at the church scene in Silicon Valley, and notice my own tendencies in preaching, I believe we're in danger of ignoring Satan. We hear so little about the one who hates God, hates God's gospel, hates God's people, and is actively "seeking someone to devour."So, preachers, I propose a solution: put Satan in your sermons. We need to talk about the Enemy much more often.Satan hates you, he hates your church, he hates your city, and he hates your sermons. So, put Satan in your sermons. Not every sermon, but he should be making regular appearances in your sermons as you preach your Bible, point people to Jesus, and teach them how to fight the fight of faith. 


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