The Kindness of a Church to a Church

I love it when a local church isn't just a blessing to it's own church body, but also a blessing to other church bodies.Last week we launched Garden City Church and there's no way we could have done so without the kindness of a church that has a rich history, tradition, and presence in San Jose: Westminster Presbyterian Church.The leadership and people of Westminster have been so kind and accommodating to us, renting to us and allowing us to hold Sunday afternoon services on their beautiful campus.It's easy to become more concerned about your church than you are about the kingdom of God. I'm  thankful to be learning from the people of Westminster—people who want to see other churches flourish as well as their own, people who want to help see the kingdom of God advance in San Jose.If God allows Garden City Church to become, like Westminster, a church with a history that's over one-hundred years old, I hope Garden City will show, in 2111, the same spirit that we're learning from Westminster.


Acts 29


Run to the Tension