Garden City Church Has Launched!

Thank you for your prayers! Two days ago we launched Garden City Church and we had such a great launch! For our first worship service we had 136 adults, a ton of kids, and it appears that 5 people were saved. When I moved to the South Bay earlier this year I had just 3 people committed to the church plant and just 3,000 dollars in the church bank account. It's amazing to see what Jesus has already done, and I can't wait to see what he will continue to do. The adventure is just beginning. If you think of it, please continue to pray for our new church plant. And, if you know people in Silicon Valley who need a church, point them to Garden City.I'm launching the church with a 7-week sermon series called The True Story of the World. If you'd like to listen to the first sermon in this series, titled, Jesus, click here for our podcast.


Run to the Tension


A Man and Woman in Love