Tim Woodruff, A Distant Presence: The Story Behind Paul's Letter to the Philippians

I recently finished reading Tim Woodruff's excellent book, A Distant Presence: The Story Behind Paul's Letter to the Philippians. In 400 or so pages Woodruff tells a great story that colors in the background behind the epistle to the Philippians.A few months back Eric Simmons told me that since I was preaching and teaching through Philippians, I had to get this book. Eric was right. My only wish is that I'd learned about this book sooner.Woodruff is an excellent story teller and a careful exegete. Reading this book will add a rich layer to your understanding of Philippians. However, it might be hard for you to track this book down. For some silly reason NavPress has let it go out of print. Two months ago I got this book through a second hand seller on Amazon.com. It looks like there's still some available through a few second hand sellers.


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