Marck Buchanan, The Rest of God

I benefited a great deal through slowly reading through Mark Buchanan's little paperback, The Rest of God. This book has further fueled my enjoyment of my Friday Sundown Shutdown. That's the biggest endorsement I can give this book. Buchanan is a good writer and I found his treatment of the Sabbath to be biblically sound and personally compelling. Here's a few quotes that I'm still digesting:

"Before we ever keep the Sabbath holy, it keeps us holy.""Sabbath-keeping requires two orientations. One is Godward. The other is timeward. To keep Sabbath well--as both a day and an attitude--we have to think clearly about God and freshly about time. We likely, at some level, need to change our minds about both. Unless we trust God's sovereignty, we won't dare risk Sabbath. And unless we receive time as abundance and gift, not as ration and burden, we'll never develop a capacity to savor Sabbath.""Without a rich theology of labor, we'll have an impoverished theology of rest.""Jesus' favorite day to heal and restore was the Sabbath.""Jesus' Sabbath-keeping always looked, to his enemies, like Sabbath-breaking.""...this is the essence of a Sabbath heart: paying attention. It is being fully present, wholly awake, in each moment.""when we stop caring about the things we care about--that's a signal we're too busy."Sabbath: "It's the one day when the only thing you must do is to not do the things you must."


What The World Eats


Charles Spurgeon, The Doctrine of Election