What's Your Motivation Theory?

"All the different psychological theories are essentially different theories of motivation. In fact, every individual is a 'psychologist,' in the general sense. People always assert of assume 'reasons' whenever they talk about themselves or others. What is the real explanation for what makes a person tick? Is it sexual and aggressive instincts? need for self-esteem? role models? longing for love and acceptance? chemical imbalance? early childhood experiences? choices? drive for superiority? search for meaning and significance? spiritual hunger? genetic proclivity? survival? socialization and enculturation? karma? pursuit of affiliation and achievement? temperament type? money, status, and power? birth order? social injustice? patriotism? astrological sign? ethnic background or race? thrill-seeking and fun-loving? patterns of reinforcement? being a jerk? pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain? DSM-IV diagnosis? craving to be God? 'People do that because _________ .' Take your pick--and you reveal your operative motivation theory.God has a motivation theory. Or, more accurately, the Searcher of hearts sees what makes us tick, and he accurately evaluates what he sees. His opinion is the final word. He gives the real reason Why? As he opens our eyes to see more and more clearly, orienting us to his gaze, it changes the way we think about "because ______."


Happy Birthday My Bride


Steve Childers, The Transforming Power of the Gospel