American Idol Gives Back?

Did anyone else catch American Idol last night? What did you think?Here's what I thought. On the one hand, I'm thankful that American Idol is raising awareness of and seeking to help the poverty problem in both Africa and America. The common grace foundations of my theology give me great cause to celebrate this. But, on the other hand, I was sickened over much of what I saw last night. The whole show, especially the forced-towards-tears interviews with the poor, seemed to exploit the poor and laud wealthy sponsors rather than extend compassion and hope to those in need.It was striking to me how during one of the teary Africa interviews Ryan Seacrest and Simon Cowell had nothing to say to a young African boy shrouded in suffering. They could offer no hope. None. They didn't know what to say. All they did say was something to the effect of "let it out...cry it out." They helped the poor boy cry, but they gave him no hope.And, how could Ryan Seacrest, Simon Cowell, and American Idol give words of hope to such a boy if they don't know the God of hope? They may be able to raise some money and put a few dollars in that boy's hands (and that would be quite helpful), but what that poor boy needs most of all is to be told words of hope--to be told about the God who has entered into human suffering in order to experience the worst suffering of all. The transforming hope that the world's poor need is this news of the God who understands their suffering because he once plunged his beloved Son into the pit of suffering so that he could welcome many into a rich eternity.


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