Walter Marshall, The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification

The recent reprint of Walter Marshall's 1692 The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification is an excellent read. This work now comes in as my #1 book recommendation on the topic of growth/sanctification in Christ. Before you decide to buy the book, you can learn more here.And, here are a few quotes I liked:

"This is the key error Christians fall into in their lives: they think that even though they have been justified by a righteousness produced totally by Christ, they must be sanctified by a holiness produced totally by themselves.""...stop debating about free will, and get to the real issue: in your natural state, all you ever want to do is evil.""Forgiveness is the horse that pulls the cart of good works. Don't put the cart before the horse! Get rid of all other 'works based' methods of attempting to live a holy life! They simply won't work.""The key to living a holy life is union with Christ."


Help For My Jaw?


Good Friday